Dive into Geometallurgy
Mineral processing
Study at four European Universities
Grow your entrepreneurial mindset
Develop the innovative processes and efficient uses of mineral/metal resources
Towards a more circular economy

Welcome to EMerald
Master’s Programme in Georesources Engineering
EMerald is an Erasmus Mundus and EIT-labelled Master’s programme created to establish the right balance between knowledge of resources and process-engineering techniques.
A sustainable supply of raw materials is vital for the future of Europe. Become part of our mission to achieve this balanced vision.
The EMerald master in georesources engineering aims to train a new generation of engineers with an entrepreneurial mind-set, capable of identifying and sustainably managing the mineral and metal resources that are essential for the green energy transition.
The energy and environmental transition is a major challenge for securing the well-being of future generations. The EU has adopted a very proactive policy in this area. Clearly expressed in the Green Deal, this strategy must absolutely be supported by a strengthening of training in science and technology.
With a unique position at the interface between Earth Sciences and Engineering, the two-year master (120 ECTS) is designed for students with a background in both geology and applied sciences (mining, metallurgy, chemistry). The master, fully taught in English, offers an innovative curriculum from hands-on experiences in the university labs to the use of digital tools. It is jointly organized by 4 top-level European
Universities, each of which hosts the students for at least a semester and delivers a Degree.
Toward a more circular Economy

EMerald Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM)
An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) and, where relevant, other partners with specific expertise and interest in the study programme.

Get the EMerald Master Programme Prospectus
Download our prospectus and find out more about the opportunities on offer.

EIT Label & Community
The EMerald programme has received the EIT Label, a quality seal awarded to top Master and PhD programmes that excel in shaping a new generation of students into game changers and innovators.
Start your EMerald Master’s application
Join the key critical mission of the raw materials sector and become a sustainability innovator.
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