Academic Network
Group mobility
The former EMerald master course (2013-2017) was launched with a very simple mobility scheme welcoming all students for Semester 1 in Liège (BE), before moving to Nancy (FR) for Semester 2 and Luleå (SE) for Semester 3, finally spreading out to the four partners (incl. Freiberg (DE)) for their internship and master thesis.
Such a “group mobility” has contributed a lot to the team spirit existing within each cohort of students. This team spirit is perceived as a key asset during all learning activities, it is a strong motivation for joining extra activities (field trips, summer schools, etc.) and it is certainly the driver of a strong social networking among alumni once they start their professional career.

New scheme
The new mobility scheme (starting in 2018) will not compromise on this team spirit but will offer the students the option to specialise more upstream (primary resources) or downstream (secondary resources) during the third semester depending on their interests. The last semester being dedicated to an industrial internship and a master thesis will be offered by all four universities as shown in the new mobility scheme.

The EMerald Master in Resources Engineering programme is a 120 credits programme running over two full academic years. The programme aims at finding the right balance between knowledge of resources (geology, landfills, urban mines, reserve characterisation and modelling) and process engineering techniques (comminution, sorting, preconcentration, extractive metallurgy, waste disposal, …).
ULiège, in charge of Semester 1, welcomes all students and provides them with the necessary background and skills (ex. mineral processing basics), UL builds on this to bring students to the more advanced level during Semester 2 (ex. flotation) and finally, during Semester 3, they are offered to specialise in primary (at LTU) or in secondary raw materials (at TUBAF).
A broader view on the complete life cycle analysis of materials is kept during the whole programme by including a series of seminars taught by industrial partners to shed light on strategic issues such as the economic, environmental and social challenges to operate. Moreover, in line with the updated list of critical raw materials for the EU, course units are reshaped and extended to encompass factors affecting critical resource flows and supply such as diversification, substitution and end-uses based on industrial applications.
The following universities are associated universities of the EMerald master course.
All self-funded applicants from the associated Universities will automatically benefit from a participation costs waiver to enrol in the EMerald course (starting with the 2018 intake).

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