Quizz EMerald 2020

You have until June 8th to take the quiz.


There are 33 questions (multiple choices or short answers).

  • multiple choice questions = 1 point (one or several answers are right)
  • short answer questions = 3 points
  • you don’t lose points if you skip a question or if your answer is wrong
  • if you are asked to answer in a specific unit of measurement, write the number followed by the requested unit, for example, if the answer is 78 grammes, just write 78 g
  • you can skip a question and come back to it later

You have 2,5 hours to answer the questions. Make sure you have enough time ahead because you will not be able to log out and log back in.

You must score at least 30% to be considered for the next application step.


Make sure you have a calculator, a periodic table, sheets of paper and a pen.

Good luck to you all.